Blog 2024

Tips on how to decide which mattress is right for you | The Furniture Mall

Written by Jolee S. | Jul 28, 2023 7:45:41 PM



One of the most common questions we get when people walk into our mattress ring - when they're kind of overwhelmed by how many mattresses we have - is "How do you help narrow it down when there are so many options?"    

Take Sleep Assessment:  

One of first things we do is recommend our sleep assessment and test area.  We grab you a pillow based on whether you sleep on your side, back, or stomach.  We have three sleep test beds which are firm, medium, and soft.  From there, we're going to find out which one feels best to you and then, we're going to show you a few more options.  

Confirm Budget:

Our mattress selection is set up in rings of good, better, and best.  The closer you get to the fish tank, the better the mattresses become.  So when you come in, we're going to help you find a mattress that fits your budget, your overall comfort, and one that will give you a better night's sleep.  

Save Time:

To take the Sleep Assessment prior to shopping, simply go to The Furniture Mall

For more Tips 'n' Tricks, visit our website at