Blog 2024

Football Fans Rejoice for Free Furniture

Written by Jolee S. | Jul 28, 2023 7:45:41 PM

The Furniture Mall is celebrating 88 years of business with a very exciting offer.

You’re not going crazy; The Furniture Mall of Texas has only been open for 7 months. The Furniture Mall of Kansas, the one that started it all, has been in the furniture business for 88 years. They thought, what better way to celebrate, then to give away furniture for free?

From October 4th to November 21st, you will have the opportunity to combine your love of football into furniture shopping. All you have to do is purchase any type of furniture up to $8800, and then watch Dallas and Kansas City’s professional men’s football teams go head-to-head on Sunday, November 21st. If any one of the team’s score 88 yards or more, you win up to $8800 in rebate. This means everything you bought, if it is under $8800, could potentially be free.

Check out our themed couches for our event!

Any eligible customer who made a Qualifying Purchase during the time period of our offer, will receive a Rebate check in an amount equal to the total sum of their full purchase price, including sales tax up to $8,800. This is of course, all dependent on whether the Dallas professional team, or Kansas City professional team, make any play in the game that results in a gain of 88 yards or more.

Keep in mind, if the 88 yards qualifications are not met, you will have to pay the price you initially agreed upon for the furniture. However, as former American football quarterback Jim McMahon said, “Yes, risk-taking is inherently failure-prone. Otherwise, it would be called sure-thing-taking”. So, take that risk and furniture shop to your heart’s content (at least up to $8800 that is).

For more information, check out The Furniture Mall's website. We hope to see you here, whether you’re a football fan or not, you may just score.